(716) 247-5254 admin@wmarnis.com
Announcement: Welcoming a New Black Belt to the World Modern Arnis Alliance Family

Announcement: Welcoming a New Black Belt to the World Modern Arnis Alliance Family

Announcement: Welcoming a New Black Belt to the World Modern Arnis Alliance Family

It is with immense pleasure that we announce the conferment of the Lakan basic Black Belt upon Professor Tales Azevedo from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The rigorous examination, spanning over ninety minutes, was conducted virtually under the watchful eyes of PG Craig Mason and myself.

Professor Tales and his dedicated training partner showcased commendable dedication and skill throughout the assessment. In line with our established protocol for virtual examinations of international participants, the Lakan basic Black Belt is awarded. Furthermore, I eagerly await my visit to Brazil this coming April, where I will have the honor of evaluating Professor Tales for his subsequent degrees.

Since joining the World Modern Arnis Alliance, Professor Tales’s progression and dedication have been evident. We are optimistic about both him and his students advancing in ranks, potentially emerging as prominent black belt degree holders and esteemed leaders within the Brazilian community.

Warm regards,
Datu Tim Hartman
World Modern Arnis Alliance.

#modernarnis #blackbelt #brazil #worldmodernarnis #filipinomartialarts 

A Memorable Time at the 2023 Renaissance Martial Arts Festival

A Memorable Time at the 2023 Renaissance Martial Arts Festival

A Memorable Time at the 2023 Renaissance Martial Arts Festival

Last weekend, I was honored to be a part of the renowned 2023 Renaissance Martial Arts Festival, expertly hosted by Mark Cardona in the charming city of Rochester, NY. Year after year, this event gathers a diverse group of enthusiasts and experts, spanning not only New York, Virginia, and Connecticut but also the Midwest. To top it off, this edition even saw an international participant all the way from Canada.

Though my schedule doesn’t always align with the festival, it’s an occasion I never want to miss. This year was particularly special for me. After over a decade, I had the privilege of bringing a group of my teenage students to experience the festival. While I frequently host events and invite external instructors to Horizon Martial Arts, there’s a unique charm in allowing students to step out and experience different environments. Especially with younger learners, finding the right mix of safety, creativity, and a friendly atmosphere in an external event can be challenging. However, this festival lived up to expectations. My students, aged 11 to 16, not only had a fantastic time but also earned accolades from senior black belts present.

Regarding my session, I let the attendees lead the way. We delved deep into the utilization of edge weapons as educational tools for open hand combatives. Moreover, I emphasized the distinction between techniques and drills, highlighting that drills mainly cater to skill development rather than tactical application. This insight ignited a cascade of questions, both during the session and informal side discussions.

For those yet to experience the Renaissance Martial Arts Festival, it comes with my highest recommendation. It’s not just about martial arts; it’s about community. The after-hours social interactions only add to its charm. Although it’s traditionally spread over two days, prior commitments limited me to just one this year. But rest assured, I eagerly await my next opportunity to join and contribute, schedules permitting.

A heartfelt thank you to Mark for curating such a communal event and allowing me to impart knowledge.

Warm regards,

Datu Tim Hartman
World Modern Arnis Alliance & Horizon Martial Arts

#MartialArtsFestival2023 #RenaissanceMartialArts #HorizonMartialArts #LearningBeyondBorders #EdgeWeaponsEducation #YouthInMartialArts #RochesterEvents #MartialArtsCommunity #SkillsAndDrills #ModernArnisAlliance #DatuHartman #MasterclassSession #MartialArtsJourney #FestivalHighlights

Featured Instructor: Punong -Guro Sam Wolf; Mt. Gilead, Ohio

Featured Instructor: Punong -Guro Sam Wolf; Mt. Gilead, Ohio

Featured Instructor:
Punong -Guro Sam Wolf
Wolfpak Martial Arts
Mount Gilead, Ohio USA

When did your journey in martial arts begin?

I began practicing martial arts in 1981 when I was 6 years old. I took a brief hiatus and resumed training at 19, and I’ve been consistent ever since.

How did you become involved with Filipino martial arts?

During our training sessions with Greg Fears at The PAL, there were specific stick requirements for the senior belt levels. Back in the early 2000s, their origins were unclear to us. My instructor at the time, Darrel Trudo, and I delved into some research and discovered that our training was rooted in Modern Arnis. Since that revelation, my passion for it has only grown.

Do you operate a club or school, and if so, is it on a part-time or full-time basis?

Full time basis

Have you ever received training from Professor Presas?

No, I had one chance and passed it up thinking I would have another but sadly I did not.

When did you become a member of the World Modern Arnis Alliance (WMAA)?

I joined the WMAA in Feb. of 2007


Among the various groups and organizations, why did you opt for the WMAA?

I began my journey with IMAF, but due to some political shifts in 2005, I had to leave. Later, I connected with Datu Tim, and after a few discussions, I decided to join. I’ve been extremely satisfied with my decision ever since.

What are your aspirations for the future?

To educate, absorb knowledge, and impart wisdom to the upcoming generation of martial artists.

What would you consider your most significant achievement in the realm of Filipino martial arts?

I’ve had the privilege of teaching or assisting at seminars and camps across 7 states and 2 countries.


Punong – Guro Wolf’s credentials

6th Degree Presas Arnis
6th Dan Song Moo Kwan Taekwondo
5th Dan Shurite Kempo
4th Dan Koryo Gumdo
4th Dan Shotokan Karate
4th Dan Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do
2nd Dan USNTF Hapkido
Instructor Tai chi Wang style
Purple sash Ship Pal Gi Kung Fu
Yellow belt Lanada Kuntaw


Contact info:
Email info@wolfpakteam.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WolfpakMartialArts
Phone: 419-947-9900
Website www.wolfpakteam.com

Unraveling the Essence of a Grandmaster: A Perspective on Leadership in Martial Arts

Unraveling the Essence of a Grandmaster: A Perspective on Leadership in Martial Arts

Unraveling the Essence of a Grandmaster: A Perspective on Leadership in Martial Arts 

Understanding the concept of a ‘grandmaster’ can often be challenging. However, one shared quality among all grandmasters is undeniably their innate leadership skills. Taking Modern Arnis as our reference point, we see a clear hierarchy – from the students to the Guros (teachers), ascending to the Masters, the Datus, and finally, the Grandmaster. This pyramid illustrates the evolution of leadership, with each rank commanding the one beneath.

At the pinnacle, the grandmaster symbolizes the embodiment of leadership, often likened to a president or a king. They bear the responsibility of guiding all other ranks, setting the course for the future of the organization, and embodying the essence of the art.

However, recently there has been a surge in individuals seeking to earn the title of ‘grandmaster’ for personal prestige, with little or no intention of shouldering the leadership responsibilities that the title demands. It’s my humble belief that such behavior undermines the sanctity of the title and the art.

Take note, martial arts aspirants who have achieved the esteemed title of ‘grandmaster’, yet only lead a handful of students from a school, recreation center, backyard or garage, it’s time to either rise to the occasion or respectfully step aside.

I present these thoughts as my personal perspective. I acknowledge and respect the diversity of opinions in the martial arts community and I am open to engaging in constructive conversations about this or related topics.

So, dear readers, community members, and fellow martial arts enthusiasts, I invite your feedback. Do my sentiments resonate, or am I just being overly critical? Are we, as part of this revered tradition, upholding the high standards set by our predecessors?

Thank you for considering my viewpoint, and I look forward to our dialogue.

With all due respect,
Datu Tim Hartman
World Modern Arnis Alliance

#modernarnis #DatuHartman #arnis #datu #Filipinomartialarts #grandmaster #martialarts

Reflecting on Remy Presas: More Than Just an Instructor

Reflecting on Remy Presas: More Than Just an Instructor

Reflecting on Remy Presas: More Than Just an Instructor

It’s been three years since I began hosting the FMA Talk podcast. Throughout this time, I’ve delved into many topics, including discussions about the late Remy Presas and the kind of instructor he was. However, on this 22nd anniversary of his passing, I find myself yearning to share my reflections on the man behind the title.

Admittedly, during the time leading up to his passing, I didn’t fully grasp the essence of Remy. While I might have had a deeper insight than many due to the numerous moments we shared, I lacked a comprehensive understanding of his cultural backdrop. It wasn’t until I traveled to the Philippines, with seven visits to date and more in the pipeline, that I began to appreciate the cultural nuances that shaped him. Some might have misunderstood certain aspects of his behavior as mere personality quirks, but in reality, these were deeply rooted in his cultural upbringing.

I frequently visited Toronto, hoping to familiarize myself with the Filipino community, but it wasn’t until I truly immersed myself in the Philippines that my perception of Professor Remy started to evolve. Nevertheless, there are certain universal attributes that are instantly recognizable. Notably, Remy often went by ‘Professor Presas’ rather than ‘Grandmaster’. His preference stemmed from a desire to appear less daunting and more approachable, something that was clearly evident during his interactive and spirited seminars.

Remy’s schedule was incredibly tight, often whisking him away to the next seminar venue right after finishing one. His commitment to sharing his expertise was evident in how he was possibly one of the busiest individuals in the martial art seminar circuit. But those moments when I hosted him in Buffalo were special. We would spend a week together, sharing stories and experiences. On occasions where seminars were held at hotels, we’d share rooms, drive to various places together, and even indulge in sightseeing with other attendees, like during the first Germany camp.

His affable nature shone through in all interactions. He always wanted to blend in, be one of the crowd. A memory that remains etched in my heart is of a seminar where the Canadian stick fighting team visited. Post-seminar, while I showed the team Niagara Falls, some of my guys took Professor Remy to a club. We danced the night away, and it’s one of those nights you reminisce about with a smile.

Generosity flowed through Remy. On my first trip to Germany, he helped finance my ticket, which I was keen on repaying. On another trip, in the era before electronic ticketing, I lost my tickets. Without hesitation, he offered financial assistance until I could sort things out. That gesture took more than a year to settle due to airline complications, but it showcased his magnanimity.

Describing Remy’s warmth is challenging unless you’ve personally experienced it. While he had his complexities, day in and day out, he radiated kindness and care. To me, he was akin to a fatherly figure, and his absence leaves a void that’s hard to fill. If you never had the privilege of meeting him, I might fall short in conveying his essence, but those who did will undoubtedly cherish those memories.

As we commemorate the 22nd anniversary of his passing, the upcoming episode of FMA Talk will honor his legacy. And in my capacity as a student and a martial artist, I pledge to continue championing the art he introduced me to back in 1985.

With warm regards,
Tim Hartman, World Modern Arnis Alliance.

#RememberingRemy #LegacyOfPresas #MartialArtMentor #WarmHeartedWarrior #ArnisAllianceTribute

Featured Instructor: Guro Robert Guida; North Tonawanda, New York, USA

Featured Instructor: Guro Robert Guida; North Tonawanda, New York, USA

Featured Instructor:
Guro Robert Guida; North Tonawanda, New York, USA

When did your journey in martial arts begin?
At the age of 17, I successfully persuaded my parents to enroll me in Praying Mantis Kung Fu classes, which I diligently pursued for approximately one year. Subsequently, upon commencing my higher education in Baltimore, I dedicated a year to studying Hapkido. Following my time in Baltimore, I returned to Buffalo and discovered a Nihon Goshin Aikido school, an art form that deeply resonated with me. My engagement with this discipline spanned three years, until my enlistment in the military necessitated a pause in my traditional martial arts pursuits. During my military service, I received extensive training within my units. Upon concluding my tenure in the armed forces, I embarked on a quest to locate my former Nihon Goshin Aikido school, only to find its closure. My fortunes shifted when fate led me to a local Kenpo Instructor. Thus, in 2010, I established my foundational martial arts training under the tutelage of this Kenpo Instructor.

How did you become involved with Filipino martial arts?
My study of martial arts led me to Wing Chun, a pursuit that eventually steered me towards the exploration of Jeet Kune Do. Subsequently, the transition to Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) felt like a natural progression. While my search for local instructors in Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do proved futile, I fortuitously encountered a nearby school dedicated to Filipino Martial Arts… 

Do you operate a club or school, and if so, is it on a part-time or full-time basis?
I manage a part-time school that operates on a full-time schedule. While maintaining a day job, I allocate my evenings and weekends to teaching. This commitment amounts to approximately 30-35 instructional hours per week. 

Have you ever received training from Professor Presas?
Unfortunately, no.

When did you become a member of the World Modern Arnis Alliance (WMAA)?
5-6 years ago when I met Datu

Among the various groups and organizations, why did you opt for the WMAA?
Certainly, this question doesn’t quite align with common sense. I’m situated a mere 30-minute drive away from one of the seven globally renowned Datu figures in Modern Arnis. The idea of seeking training elsewhere seems rather unconventional, given the proximity and stature of this instructor.

What are your aspirations for the future?
My aspiration is to expand my school while fostering the development of accomplished Black Belts in American Kenpo and Modern Arnis. It’s important to note that I maintain the distinctiveness of both systems in my teaching approach, rather than amalgamating them into something novel. Consequently, my objective revolves around nurturing students capable of successfully demonstrating their skills before both the Kenpo International Board and the WMAA Board.

What would you consider your most significant achievement in the realm of Filipino martial arts?
Attaining my Modern Arnis Black Belt held a distinct significance. Several factors contributed to this, as I hadn’t engaged in testing for nearly nine years. Moreover, my previous test had been an intimate affair with just a few participants. Thus, the experience of testing before the WMAA board, in the company of approximately 60 individuals, carried a unique and momentous sentiment.

 Guro Guida’s Martial Arts Certifications
2nd Degree Black Belt Parker’s Kenpo
1st Degree Black Belt Modern Arnis

MSD Kenpo Karate
525 Wheatfield St Suite 25
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
(716) 426-8898
Site: https://msdkenpo.com

#modernarnis #presasarnis #arnis #filipinomartialarts #robertguida #worldmodernarnis