Featured Instructor:
Punong -Guro Sam Wolf
Wolfpak Martial Arts
Mount Gilead, Ohio USA

When did your journey in martial arts begin?

I began practicing martial arts in 1981 when I was 6 years old. I took a brief hiatus and resumed training at 19, and I’ve been consistent ever since.

How did you become involved with Filipino martial arts?

During our training sessions with Greg Fears at The PAL, there were specific stick requirements for the senior belt levels. Back in the early 2000s, their origins were unclear to us. My instructor at the time, Darrel Trudo, and I delved into some research and discovered that our training was rooted in Modern Arnis. Since that revelation, my passion for it has only grown.

Do you operate a club or school, and if so, is it on a part-time or full-time basis?

Full time basis

Have you ever received training from Professor Presas?

No, I had one chance and passed it up thinking I would have another but sadly I did not.

When did you become a member of the World Modern Arnis Alliance (WMAA)?

I joined the WMAA in Feb. of 2007


Among the various groups and organizations, why did you opt for the WMAA?

I began my journey with IMAF, but due to some political shifts in 2005, I had to leave. Later, I connected with Datu Tim, and after a few discussions, I decided to join. I’ve been extremely satisfied with my decision ever since.

What are your aspirations for the future?

To educate, absorb knowledge, and impart wisdom to the upcoming generation of martial artists.

What would you consider your most significant achievement in the realm of Filipino martial arts?

I’ve had the privilege of teaching or assisting at seminars and camps across 7 states and 2 countries.


Punong – Guro Wolf’s credentials

6th Degree Presas Arnis
6th Dan Song Moo Kwan Taekwondo
5th Dan Shurite Kempo
4th Dan Koryo Gumdo
4th Dan Shotokan Karate
4th Dan Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do
2nd Dan USNTF Hapkido
Instructor Tai chi Wang style
Purple sash Ship Pal Gi Kung Fu
Yellow belt Lanada Kuntaw


Contact info:
Email info@wolfpakteam.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WolfpakMartialArts
Phone: 419-947-9900
Website www.wolfpakteam.com