Individual Membership
- WMAA Patch Membership Decal Membership ID Card WMAA Curriculum
Other Benefits:
- Receive organizational updates via e-mail.
- All belt promotions tracked at World Headquarters.
- Discount on Designated Training Camps & Seminars.**
- Discount on WMAA merchandise.**
- Internationally Recognized & Registered Belt Rank Certificates
Thank You for your interest in becoming a part of the legacy of Grand Master Remy A. Presas and perpetuating the Filipino martial art of Modern Arnis through the World Modern Arnis Alliance.
The World Modern Arnis Alliance offers many benefits and services to enhance your Modern Arnis experience.
** Contact WMAA Headquarters for details.
School Membership
- Membership decal WMAA patch for head instructor WMAA Curriculum Membership ID card for head instructor Official WMAA school member certificate Artwork for ads, website, etc.
Other Benefits:
- Receive organizational updates via e-mail
- All belt promotions tracked at World Headquarters
- Discount on designated training camps & seminars
- School and / or Club listing on WMAA website
- Free seminar listings on WMAA website**
- Referrals from social media advertisements
- Be at the forefront of our continued branding initiative, which will directly benefit WMAA schools and secure the advantage over your competition